The Browse Course feature provides the most up-to-date version of a semester’s schedule of classes.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Education-Curr Inst.. EDCI-3150-60
Synonym: 60
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 2
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $70.00
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare the Early Childhood and Elementary pre-service teacher?with the research-based methods of teaching mathematics, and includes content and pedagogy in teaching math in the elementary school. The course addresses the following themes: curriculum,?theory translated into instructional planning and practice,?practices that promote effective learning,?behavior and relationships,?and teaching strategies. Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in EDEL 4500. (2 lect.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All coursework is completed online.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Education-Curr Inst.. EDCI-3160-60
Synonym: 61
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 2
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $70.00
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare the Early Childhood and Elementary pre-service teacher with the research-based methods of teaching science. It includes content and pedagogy in teaching science in the elementary school. It addresses the following themes: curriculum; theory translated into instructional planning and practice,?practices that promote effective learning,?behavior and relationships,?and teaching strategies. Materials, methods, and strategies for teaching life, physical, and earth sciences will be presented. Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in EDEL 4500. (2 lect.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All coursework is completed online.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-1020-01
Synonym: 62
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Central Wyo College
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of early childhood education through lecture, discussion, observation, and active participation. The student will be exposed to different programs currently in operation in the community and region. Attention will be given to children with special needs and multiculturalism. Emphasis will be placed on evaluating early childhood education as a career. Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in EDFD 1101. (3 lect.)
Course Comments:
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-1030-60
Synonym: 63
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 2
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course provides information on growth and development of children under the age of three along with curriculum implications, defines the interactive role of the caregiver, and explores other components of infant/toddler care including implementation of quality programming and adult interactions. The course, along with EDEC 1035 Infant and Toddler Care Lab, meets the criteria for the Wyoming Infant/Toddler Credential.? (2 lect.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online in Canvas. Students enrolling in EDEC-1030-60 must also enroll in EDEC-1035-60. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or a One Source Background check is needed before placement in a classroom. Please contact Vonda Wells at (307) 855-2250 or Colleen Bartlett at (307) 855-2255 for more information.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-1035-60
Synonym: 64
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 1
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course requires a supervised experience in the care of infants and toddlers at an approved early childhood program. This course along with EDEC 1030, Infant and Toddler Care, meets the criteria for the Wyoming Infant/Toddler Credential. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or completed approved background check is needed before placement in a classroom. See instructor for information on appropriate forms and required fee. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1030 or concurrent enrollment. (2 Lab)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online in Canvas. Students enrolling in EDEC-1030-60 must also enroll in EDEC-1035-60. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or a One Source Background check is needed before placement in a classroom. Please contact Vonda Wells at (307) 855-2250 or Colleen Bartlett at (307) 855-2255 for more information.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-1100-60
Synonym: 65
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course offers the opportunity to learn and practice effective and practical methods of meeting the needs of young children as individuals and as members of a group, in an approved early childhood setting. The lab component provides related, supervised on-site experience in an approved early childhood center. Emphasis is on creating and maintaining positive and constructive learning environments, completing assessments of children, recording behaviors, planning activities, creating materials and learning environments, scheduling, behavior management, and maintaining parent-teacher communication. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or completed approved background check is needed before placement in a classroom. See instructor for appropriate forms and required fee. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1020. (2 lect., 2 lab)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online in Canvas. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or a One Source Background check is needed before placement in a classroom. Please contact Vonda Wells at (307) 855-2250 or Colleen Bartlett at (307) 855-2255 for more information.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-1200-60
Synonym: 66
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course examines the early childhood educator's role and responsibilities for starting and operating a preschool or child-care facility. Topics include setting-up programs, managing and supervising staff, business practices, community relations, and making decisions about equipment, materials, meals, and nutrition. Prerequisite: Completion of EDEC 1020. (3 lect.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online in Canvas.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-2200-60
Synonym: 67
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: The student will gain intensive, supervised teaching experience in an early childhood education setting. The focus will be on developing skills for the care and education of young children, developing a portfolio, plus increasing awareness of administrative skills and current issues in the field. During the semester, the student is required to work/volunteer a total of 60 hours in a directed field experience at an instructor-approved site.? A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or completed approved background check is needed before placement in a classroom. See instructor on appropriate forms and required fee. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1100, EDEC 1300, and EDEC 1305 or instructor's permission. (1 lect., 4 lab.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online. Instructor permission required. Additional 60 hours practicum required. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or a One Source Background check is needed before placement in a classroom. Please contact Colleen Bartlett at (307) 855-2255 for more information.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-2470-60
Synonym: 68
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $0.00
Course Description: This course is a practicum experience in an education setting. The focus will be on developing a portfolio, increasing awareness of growth and development, teaching strategies, academic content, and classroom management. The course includes an online component of coursework and discussions. (2 lect., 1 lab)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All coursework is completed online.
Course Dept/#/Sec: Early Childhood. EDEC-3220-60
Synonym: 69
Gen Ed:
Start Date: 08/25/2025
End Date: 12/12/2025
Credit Hours: 3
Location: Web Instruction
Course Fees: $70.00
Course Description: The student will develop skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating developmentally appropriate experiences to encourage intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and creative growth in young children with the focus on the role of learning environments, materials, and play in supporting the teaching and learning process.?Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1020, and completion of either FCSC 2121 or both PSYC 2300 and FCSC 2122.?(3 lect.)
Course Comments: Comments: Online class. All course components are completed online.
2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855-2000
Campus Map
120 Enterprise Blvd.
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-3394
Campus Map
240 S. Glenwood St #124
P.O. Box 4795
Jackson, WY 83001
(307) 733-7425
Campus Map
302 W. Ramshorn
P.O. Box 175
Dubois, WY 82513
(307) 455-2625
Campus Map
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